Zu unserer Bootstour auf dem Aasee mit Weinverkostung und leckerem Fingerfood/internationalen Tapas (Buffetform) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Yacht- und Segelschule Overschmidt, heißen wir Sie herzlich willkommen auf dem Elektroschiff "Solaaris“...
Anlegestelle Aaseeterassen/ Goldene Brücke
Annette Allee
48149 Münster
Weinverkostung auf dem Aasee mit der Solaaris
Wines: 6
Sparkling water
Fngerfood/international Tapas
Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum number of participants: 20
69,95 € per Person
Wine tasting on the Aasee with the electric schip "Solaaris". Next dates: on our homepage and by appointment for groups of 20 or more. please read on below
We welcome you on the electric ship "Solaaris"for our boat tour on the Aasee with wine tasting and delicious finger food (intern.Tapas), in cooperation with the yacht and sailing school Overschmidt, We invite you to leave your everyday life on this fun boat tour and not just to discover your favorite wine, but also to learn some interesting details and fun facts from the world of wines. For sure, wind, water and wine will leave you hungry! For that case we have made provision: There will be finger food (international tapas) available for snacking. We start at the pier Aaseeterassen / Golden Bridge, Annette Allee, 48149 Münster, at 19:00 clock. Overall, the event lasts about 3 hours. The minimum number of participants is 20 people. A maximum of 40 people can participate. Dates can be found on our homepage under the button "Termine"(this means dates) or on the homepage of the yacht and sailing school Overschmidt: www.overschmidt.de. For large groups individually arranged appointments are possible.
Meeting place:Landing pier:
Aaseeterassen/Goldene Brücke (Golden Bridge) You can book and buy tickets here: Wein am Schloss
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